In the framework of bilateral Agrement and “Erasmus+” Programme professor from Romania visited Academy — КГАВМ In the framework of bilateral Agrement and “Erasmus+” Programme professor from Romania visited Academy - Казанская государственная академия ветеринарной медицины имени Н.Э. Баумана

In the framework of bilateral Agrement and “Erasmus+” Programme professor from Romania visited Academy

11 марта 2019

In the framework of bilateral Agrement and “Erasmus+” Programme Professor Marina Spinu and Professor Karmen-Dana Shandru from the University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania visited the Academy from the 25th February 2019 to the 2nd March 2019. Professors of Infectious Diseases Department Marina Spiny and Karmen-Dana Shandru conducted lectures on the Infectious Diseases Issues to forth-year full time students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. During the visit professors attended the research laboratories and Veterinary Training Hospital (VTH) of the Academy. At a meeting with Rector the cooperation between two Establishments is considered to be mutually beneficial.

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11 марта 2019